Tri-Plex Port Arthur, TX
Cash Flowing property
Passes 1% rule with ease
Add value & raise rents
South East Texas - 4 Units
Cash Flowing units in a strong market. 100% occupied.
Great price. Plenty of room to add value and raise rents.
Call today for the opportunity to add this excellent property to your portfolio and cash flow instantly and for years to come!
Abilene Home + back house
Beautiful property available with owner financing
Fixer upper in a livable condition
Back house could be fixed and rented!
$25,000 down GREAR SIDE OF TOWN
Duplex Available for Owner financing
Rented for $1200 total
ARV $200k
Total price $111,500
7 unit - Port Authur, TX - Portfolio sale!
7 Units in Port Arthur, TX
Fully rented
Room to raise rents NOW!
Buy Today $69,500/ door
1733 Woodard st. Abilene, Tx 79605
2/1 756 sqft home for sale
Abilene, TX
Home will need extensive reenovations
Inluding a new roof
For more questions and viewings
call 940-230-3725
901 Buccaneer Dr. Abilene, Tx 79605
3/2 1660 sqft lot size 8,300
Cosmetic renovations needed
Owner was not able to finish renovations due to health complications
Beautiful Home, Easy deal for any investor
Lots of profit margin